"This is especially relevant at the current time, where the market is not able to train IT professionals at the same speed that companies need"
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d) with CRM, and going through HR, through office applications, to finally arrive today even at infrastructure systems, the modality ofSaaS (Software as a Service)established itself as a frequent option for IT managers at large companies.
This is especially relevant at the current time, where the market is not able to train IT professionals at the same speed that companies need.
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136crucial areas that have been focused on this_bad5cf58 focus of their teams on activities that directly impact their business.
Nesta mesa-redonda,held for the first time in a hybrid format (face-to-face and virtual), IT executives discussed the challenges of consuming this type of software as a service, related to the need to access key IT assets: equipment, cloud services, application codes. They participated in the round table, coordinated by the publisher of Informática Hoje, Wilson Moherdaui, Alex Vieira, MBA, HCor CIO, Cássia Ferreira, technology manager da Globo.com🇧🇷 Cássio Portella Leite, executive manager in the technology department of Banco do Brasil; Cesar Martins da Costa, executive superintendent of infrastructure and open and cloud engineering at Bradesco; Margarida Afonso (guide), senior technology executive at Banco Santander; Fernando Lucena, general IT manager at Azul Linhas Aéreas; Moisés Ferrari, director of infrastructure and responsible for the cloud center of excellence at Tim Celular; Raymundo Avelino Aben Athar, coordinator of integrated management of IT services and projects at the Court of Justice of the Federal District and Territories; Rodolfo Vilarinho, superintendent of technology at Dasa; eThiago Castro, infrastructure and operations director for South America at Bunge Alimentos.
Our special thanks to time Micro Focus Brazil
for participation and support: MARCO LEONE - VP & GM, Rogerio Sartori - DevSecvOps Sales Strategist, Paulo Pereira - Senior Account Manager, Denise Yazbek e Catia Maraschin-Hudson - Marketing Brasil.