Round Tables
A direct, objective and focused communication channel.
The Round Tables that we promote are meetings that always have as their theme a relevant subject on IT management in companies and open space for a select group of executives to discuss issues that are relevant to optimizing day-to-day IT.
These are meetings that generate very rich content and provide an excellent experience for their participants, in addition, of course, to promoting networking between these specialists in the IT sector and the companies that provide solutions present at the event .
These meetings can be held face-to-face, virtual or hybrid.
When is SaaS adoption a good option?
In this hybrid event, we brought together IT executives from renowned companies in the communication, telecommunications, air, pharmaceutical, health, financial, legal, food and agribusiness sectors, to discuss the theme: "Challenges and benefits of adoption of Software as a Service (SaaS).

The Battle Against Digital Fraud
In this roundtable, a select group of IT executives spoke about how they protect core systems and meet the demand for innovation, to better contemplate new businesses. And they also dealt with topics such as; user awareness, prevention of orange accounts, protection of vulnerable customers, risk drivers, authentication and identity verification tools.